Friday, February 6, 2015

Sunny day for a start

Thank you Blogger for your title suggestion ...even so the weather is not as bright as I would expect it, for this period in Thailand!

After registering a Blogger account, many years ago, I let it in fallow, waiting for an opportunity to activate it as an information vehicle. Having saved my "" website from oblivion and remastered it, in February 2015, I considered to also set alive my "bikinghobo" blogspot site, mostly as a companion to my static website.

"Travel and Photography", these  are bikinghobo's main themes; nothing about reinventing the wheel, but tidbits collected while combining two enjoyable hobbies, motorcycling and taking pictures. The aim  of this blog is also to highlight publications and pictures uploaded on various social media and to refer to my main website "", which is a portal linking to my presence in the connected world.

As a start, I am heading to Chiang Khong, on the North-Thailand rim of the Mekong river. My aim is to collect additional information for the last write-up of my "Mekong Promenade", a series of eight stories (trip reports) published on forum. This final part covers a trip's apex, the "Golden Triangle" region.

Fortunately, this Mekong epic will not yet end after the completion of these paved itineraries. David Unkovitch, the founder and animator of the GT-Rider website (, initiated three cruises (bikes on boat) down the Great River. In stages, we where able to glide all the way down, from Chiang Khong/Houai Xai to the capital city, Vientiane. These adventures will be related in some more illustrated stories.

The link to my already published "Mekong Ballade" narrations can be found on my website, at the following URL:

Now, after this sunny start and my first "Travel and Photography" information on Blogger, I am leaving straight to the dream river's rim.


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